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2340 руб.  
The symphony, which the composer originally gave the subtitle ‘Titan’, borrows extensively from the song cycle Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen. But Mahler also incorporates elements of Moravian popular music (in the second movement) and – in the slow third movement – famously quotes a minor-mode...

4180 руб.  
The original libretto, by the composer himself, was based closely on Pushkin’s Shakespeare-inspired drama about the ill-fated Russian ruler. Mussorgsky completed the score in 1869, and submitted it to the committees of the Imperial Theatres.. It was rejected, however, primarily because of the...

2840 руб.  
После огромного успеха «Лебединого озера», Владимир Юровский и Государственный академический симфонический оркестр Российской Федерации имени Е. Ф. Светланова продолжают свою серию балетов Чайковского на PENTATONE с этой записью «Щелкунчика». Очаровательный шедевр Чайковского является абсолютным...

8530 руб.  
The historical import, musical genius, and timeless artistry of Monk's Dream can be best appreciated by first placing the record in the context of its era. In short, Thelonious Monk's joyful Columbia Records debut triggered a domino effect of mainstream attention, best-selling success, and...

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